Wir haben eine Menge Zeit damit verbracht, die Kaddy Box zu perfektionieren, damit Sie nie wieder ein Paket verlieren

Das bin ich, Archie, bei dem, was ich am besten kann: eine Lösung für ein Problem finden

Ich habe eines Tages ein Paket verpasst und geschworen, dass das nie wieder jemandem passieren wird.

Der Rest ist Geschichte.

Bedenken Sie: Pakete können Tausende von Kilometern über den See-, Luft- und Landweg zurücklegen, um zu Ihnen zu gelangen, und wenn sie erst einmal vor Ihrer Haustür sind, sollten sie zugestellt werden.

Das ist nur fair gegenüber dem Paket, dem Zusteller und Ihnen.

Ein Haushalt mit Kaddy Box bekommt seine Bestellungen immer geliefert und kann beruhigt sein.

Wir haben uns mit Duku zusammengetan, das über ein Jahrzehnt Produkterfahrung und preisgekrönte Projekte verfügt, um sicherzustellen, dass Kaddy Box seinen Zweck erfüllt, gut aussieht und dabei Gutes tut.

Ich habe eines Tages ein Paket verpasst und geschworen, dass das nie wieder jemandem passieren wird.

Production Update

January 29, 2025

To our valued pre-order customers:

We’re excited to share that our tooling process with the design change described in our December update is now complete and best of all the final production unit (T0) is here at our UK office! Our team is actively reviewing the T0 sample it for any minor tweaks needed before full-scale manufacturing begins.

While our factory is temporarily closed for Chinese New Year, it will reopen on February 5 (less than one week from today). In the meantime, we're completing our review diligently so production can resume the minute the factory reopens.

So, when can I expect my shipment?

We are on track to ship in March and will be sharing updates like this one through the final stage of the journey.

As a reminder, we are adding a free bonus to your order to show our gratitude! Every order will ship with 1 extra motion sensor ($35 value) which you can place in your traditional mailbox or give to a friend to help modernize their mailbox. ✨

In addition, if any tax and duty increases go into effect for US-based customers, we will fully cover those costs. 

Shipping Update

December 3, 2024

From the bottom of our hearts thank you to everyone who placed a pre-order for Kaddy Box! The smart parcel lockbox has been years in the making, and launching our website on October 1, 2024, was a feeling like no other. In just a few short weeks, our first production run was 80% sold out. 

Unfortunately, creating an entirely new hardware product comes with a ton of challenges, and today we have to share the news that a production issue came up that will impact our shipping timeline.

Oh no! What happened? After testing the final pre production unit, we noticed there was a fault with the front door. The steel door panel was slightly sagging down by 3/5 mm due to the weight of the steel door. Sounds negligible, right? Maybe for a DIY hobbyist working from a home garage, but not us. The slight sag meant we couldn't get a perfect fit when the front door was closed. After reviewing and testing we made the hard decision to press the pause button on manufacturing to resolve the problem. 

Okay, I'd like to hear some good news for a change... After redesigning the CAD and prototypes we have a solution. It involved designing a completely new inside door hinge that spreads the steel door weight more evenly than before. This meant that the corner parts also had to be redesigned to fit the new hinges along with the steel door panel too. Talk about ripple down effects! These steps have meant that the Kaddy Box we ship will be an even higher quality product.

But, it also means that we've had to delay shipping and delivery which is incredibly frustrating for us and more importantly for you! Our intention from day one was to ship the first units in time for Christmas this year and it kills us to fall short. 

So, what's next? With the manufacturing timeline ready to restart, we are looking at shipping and delivery in arly February to mid March 2025.We will be sharing monthly updates on the progress of your pre-order between now and then. To show our deep gratitude and appreciation for you as an early bird customer, we are adding a free bonus to your order!

Every order will ship with 1 extra motion sensor ($35 value) which you can place in your traditional mailbox or give to a friend to help modernize their mailbox.